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Statutory pay increase

By April 19, 2022Employment

April marks the time of year when we see increases in various statutory payments. We have set out below some of the more common increases that employers need to be aware of:

1. With effect from 1st April 2022, the National Living Wage for those age 23 and over increased from £8.91 to £9.50 per hour.

There were also increases to the different, age-dependent National Minimum Wage rates for workers and apprentices with the current rates now as follows:

· First-year apprentices: £4.81 per hour

· Under 18: £4.81 per hour

· Age 18 – 20: £6.83 per hour

· Age 21 – 22: £9.18

2. As of 11th April, statutory sick pay (SSP) increased from £96.35 per week to £99.35.

3. Statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental and parental bereavement payments increased on 11th April from £151.97 per week to £156.66 (or 90% of average weekly earnings, whichever is lower)

There have also been increases to statutory guarantee payments which may be applicable to periods of temporary lay-off or short-time working as well as compensation limits. For more information please contact a member of the Employment Team.

Nicola Clarke

Author Nicola Clarke

Nicola is a solicitor specialising in employment law and HR matters, advising both businesses and individuals on all aspects of these areas.

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