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Transported into Investment

By March 23, 2016January 29th, 2021For Business

Once the Ordsall Chord is completed, both Manchester Victoria and Piccadilly will be connected for the first time in history. This will enable better connectivity and faster journeys between the great cities of the North, including Hull, Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester.

Woe betide you, should you tell a Salfordian that Salford is in Manchester. Salford is in Salford. The boarder is marked by the Irwell which wends its way along the north west of Manchester’s centre, in spitting distance from the bars of Deansgate. But the world is shrinking and Salford is regenerating which will be in no small part helped by the greater connectivity Manchester’s infrastructure re-vamp promises.HS2 is coming (rather slowly) but coming nonetheless and Manchester cannot afford to be caught with its trousers down when it arrives. The Ordsall Chord, the new metro lines, the traffic flow improvements are all essential to a vibrant, working and (most importantly) productive city. With business comes jobs. With jobs comes housing need (residential and commercial). With need comes investment. We all too often underestimate just how closely capitalism ties up cause and effect. We cannot underestimate the benefit that transport links will have on the appeal of the Manchester market to investors.

David Marlor

Author David Marlor

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