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Rainbows include black and blue – raising awareness of domestic violence in LGBT communities

By March 16, 2016January 29th, 2021For Business

It is widely acknowledged that domestic abuse/violence1 is a devastating crime that can destroy the lives of victims and their families. However, the prevalent “script” of domestic abuse is gendered and heteronormative, whereby the abuser is always male and the victim always female. It is generally disregarded that approximately 25% of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community/communities experience domestic abuse, which is the same rate of domestic abuse perpetrated against heterosexual women. Likewise, in a recent study on domestic abuse in the transgendered community in Scotland, 80% of respondents stated that they had experienced emotionally, sexually, or physically abusive behaviour by a partner or ex-partner.

With increased awareness of the sensitivities and complexities of domestic abuse in the LGBT community / communities, it is hoped that more victims will feel able to come forwards and seek help from the authorities, police and professionals.  More needs to be done to protect these vulnerable individuals and ensure that they are given all the support that they require at what is often a very traumatic time in their lives. 

David Jones

Author David Jones

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