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Crash for cash… does it pay?

By March 9, 2016January 29th, 2021For Business

Five people snared in the UK’s biggest car insurance fraud investigation have been sentenced at Newport Crown Court. They were involved in claims worth £132,000 between 2009 and 2011.

The total number of convictions in relation to the scam has now hit 81.

Judge Daniel Williams said each claim involved “dishonesty sustained over a long time”, adding the cost to motor insurance companies of this type of fraud is “immense”.

Fraud exists but many forget fraud is a broad area and affects banking, motor and home insurance to name a few. Unfortunately Motor Insurance Fraud often hits the headlines and is far more in public eye such as ‘crash for cash’ as opposed to other home insurance or banking fraud. Whether Claimant or Defendant side no one supports fraud or dishonesty. It would however be refreshing if examples of other of fraud such as home insurance were more public thus to show its not all about motor insurance and personal injury fraud which has given many genuine Claimants a bad name.On the flip side we all support the consequences of committing any fraud where fraudsters should and are punished once the relevant criminal authoritires get involved.

David Jones

Author David Jones

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