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Be not afeared: the media is full of noises!

By March 9, 2016January 29th, 2021For Business

The tax-induced doom and gloom is, sadly, predictable. But for those entrepreneurs willing to take the plunge and more importantly, do the vital elements of research the market for buy-to-let entrepreneurs – be they pensioners or otherwise – is still strong. And that is welcome news for 2016.

The media reacted with horror at the Chancellor’s latest move against private landlords. The sensationalised headlines heralded the death of the Buy to Let with predictions of rents climbing to unaffordable levels.There is no doubt that prospective landlords who were looking to invest in 2 or 3 rental properties to supplement their income will sharpen their pencils and look again at their figures. However, the larger scale investor (who are looking to rents to replace, rather than supplement, their income) is unlikely to exit the market, but may recalibrate their portfolio by trading in their London properties for several up North. It’s not so ‘grim up North’ anymore…

David Marlor

Author David Marlor

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