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Aiding businesses with their financial problems.

Our insolvency team is here for you or your business if you’re owed money or struggling with debt.

Insolvency is when individuals or businesses are unable to repay their debts. The process of resolving this involves lawyers with expertise in areas across the spectrum, including employment, tax and property to name a few.

Insolvency matters require technically sound, commercially astute solutions. Our insolvency team works across our firm, using the expertise from all our solicitors to get you the best outcome possible. We are instructed by insolvency practitioners, LPA Receivers and directors, shareholders and creditors of insolvent businesses on claims ranging in scale and complexity, delivering first class results to clients across the country. These matters are seldom straight forward, but we are persistent, respond quickly and are focussed on getting the results our clients require.

  • Administrations
  • Administrative receiverships
  • Bankruptcies
  • Bankruptcy petitions
  • Company administrations
  • Company insolvencies
  • Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)
  • Compulsory liquidations
  • Creditors’ voluntary liquidations
  • Director disqualification proceedings
  • Directors’ duties and liability on insolvency
  • Directors’ and shareholders’ disputes leading to insolvency
  • Individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs)
  • Insolvency injunctions
  • Investigations by insolvency practitioners into antecedent transactions
  • LPA and fixed charge receiverships
  • Members’ voluntary liquidations (including section 110 reconstructions)
  • Pre-pack administrations
  • Provisional liquidations
  • Public and private examinations
  • Public interest winding-up petitions
  • Retention of title claims
  • Security reviews and enforcement
  • Winding up petitions
  • Wrongful trading

Why Choose Glaisyers?

It’s important to remember these matters are time-sensitive. Following the process and keeping up to date with required time frames is critical. The longer a person in debt leaves it to repay, the more punitive damages/restrictions they face. Conversely, Creditors must act quickly to recover as much as possible from insolvent debtors.