Landlord & Tenant
Our experience ranges from acting for major landowners and retail shopping-chains to start ups,
We act for both landlords and tenants so we know our way round leases and supplemental documentation in these transactions.
Our experience ranges from acting for major landowners and retail shopping-chains to start ups, local retailers and one-off office occupiers.

The form of leases have developed over the years and have become longer and longer. The reason for this is that landlords have required lawyers to take on board case law developed in the courts and to protect the landlord from any adverse decisions made in the courts. Fundamentally most landlords are looking for a “clear rent lease” i.e. a form of lease which means that the landlord gets all of the rent and the tenant also pays for all the other costs and expenses associated with the property.
In addition, landlords want control over rent reviews and when and how they get back their premises. These requirements naturally conflict sometimes with what tenants need. This is why we try to advise from the very outset of a transaction, namely at the heads of terms stage. It is at this stage that the key terms of the lease are set down to govern negotiations between the lawyers.
Now both landlords and tenants need to take on board and understand the implications of the Coronavirus on heads of terms negotiations.